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How to Choose the Best Technology Stack for App Development

The technology stack for app development is an infrastructure as it includes deciding the programming language, tools, platform, and back-end and front-end work to be used for your app development. If you want to create a successful app, you need good information about products, services, objectives, and technological alternatives. 

Choosing the technology stack for web development will significantly impact costs, efficiency, and maintenance. There are three basic perspectives: native, hybrid, and cross-platform, each with its benefits and features. This blog will explore the different types of tech stack for app development and how you can make the right choice. 

Understand What is a Technology Stack

The framework for building an app consists of programming languages, infrastructure, software, and databases. This is what the technology stack for app development means. It is also called the tech stack or solution stack and has two software constituents: client and server.

Let’s understand the four most important components: 

  • Hosting: Hosting is a part of the server’s side, which includes deciding the hardware and software components to operate the backend parts. For example, Linux, Apache, and Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  • Backend: The backend technologies of the app are included on the server’s side as they help to decide which database (MySQL, PostgreSQL)  and programming language (Python, Ruby, Java) to use. They also include deciding software for storing data, operating it, backing up, and executing the business’s objectives.
  • Frontend: Frontend is client-based code that helps decide the tools needed for direct user contact. It also includes selecting the programming languages (HTML5/CSS, JavaScript), infrastructure (Flutter, React Native, Xamarin), UI, and UX design. 
  • Platform: A client-side code that chooses the right platform: (Android vs iOS) and the software structure and ambiance in which it would be implemented and developed. 

Key Factors to Consider when Choosing a Technology Stack:

Selecting the right technology stack for your app development is very important, as it will decide your product’s future and performance. So there are some key features that you need to consider: 

  • Project Requirements:

Aligning your objectives with the requirements is the basic need of successful app development. Structure a vision and create an app development framework you must follow to achieve it. For instance, if you need technology stack for app development that can be accessed as much as possible, then you can use the Android or iOS model with Java as a programming language. Your technical and strategic selections must be compatible to get the best results. 

  • Scalability:

Remember that your tech scalability is your support system when growing. The servers, database, and programming languages are the most critical factors while your app grows and expands. Vertical scale holds you up when you include the essential functions, while horizontal scale holds you up when the users and their activity increase. 

  • Performance:

Considering the stack’s performance with previous clients is very important. You can use it, analyze the performance, and then decide to use it formally. The audience judges the performance, so the app must be designed to bring traffic and help you update your product according to the trend. IT consulting companies can help you understand and analyze the performance better. 

  • Development Speed and Cost:

It is very important to look at the budget before choosing the right stack if you are using money to purchase expensive tools and if those tools are not flexible enough to fulfill your needs. Similarly, with affordable tools, what if they do not have what you need? So, select the tech stack that would reduce your app development costs. Also, the selected method must generate some results quickly rather than making it difficult to continue with that technology. 

  • Developer Expertise:

Adopting the latest technology and trends is beneficial for the team, but it is quite possible that your team does not have experience with new technologies. Investment of time in learning that new process is mandatory. Working with technologies your employees are experts in and generating no results is not worth continuing. 

  • Maintenance and Support:

Support and maintenance from the companies that you are working with is required. Check whether the support team is accountable at the time of need or not when you need extra information or have done something wrong. If your tech is open to all, there is no point in asking for support through chatbots or AI, but you can check the size of their community to check its relevance. 

Popular Technology Stacks

There are many technology stacks for app development available in the market; it’s your responsibility to choose the most suitable one for your requirements, goals, and objectives. 

Front-end Technology:

The front-end technology for the app, as the name suggests, is the visible part of the stack that includes HTML (Hypertext Markup language), CSS (Style Sheet language), and JavaScript (scripting language) as its programming language. You can use Objective C or Swift for iOS, Java, and Kotlin for Android. 

  • Java, the basic programming language for Androids, is a powerful, object-centric language. 
  • Kotlin, the latest data-driven programming language, is compatible with Java and is expressive, precise, and easy to learn. Google has announced that it is the most preferred language for Androids. 
  • Swift, the basic programming language for iOS apps, is the latest and strongest language that is easy to learn. 
  • Xcode, iOS’s progressive ambiance, consists of a code editor, debugger, and other app construction tools. 
  • Objective C offers good coordination with C++ and helps users easily use personal API.

Back-end Technology:

Backend technology for app development is the type of technology that performs its task at the back of the actual scene and lets the front end perform its task. The most used databases are: 

  • MySQL is a database program commonly used by people working with defined datasets. It is best for businesses that do not want modifications for long periods. 
  • The Postgre SQL database allows you to use rows and columns like related databases. It cooperates with JSON. Mobile apps use this database for a simple mobile design and schema. 
  • MongoDB, or NoSQL, is a document-centric database compatible with the JSON database structure. It allows for the storage of documents and web pages. 

DevOps Tools:

DevOps consists of tracing the modification compliant with the new standard model of continuous integration and delivery (CI and CD). Some of the DevOps tools used as a part of the technology stack for app development are: 

  • GitHub is the standard host that helps interpret your file and enhances communication with humans. You can note the requests and modifications you want and then write them in the communication construction. 
  • Maven helps align project and lifecycle management with its dependencies and construction. It makes Java-based project development easier and aligns the testing, packaging, and integrating processes. 
  • Jenkins allows your app to be agile and adjustable. Its huge library supports vast technologies and tools, helping it adapt to the environment. 

Most Used Technological Stacks

The technology stack for app development combines all the above: front end, back end, datasets, programming language, and strategic tools. There are many software that provide these all as a whole; let’s have a look at all these technological stacks and best practices to develop secure mobile apps

  • Java and Spring: This tech stack for app development merges the programming language Java with Spring, the common web app framework available in Java. 
  • LAMP: This technology stack for app development combines an operating system, Linux and web server, Apache, database management system, MySQL, and PHP/Perl/Python as their programming languages. This is commonly used in apps. 
  • Ruby on Rails: This tech stack merges the programming language Ruby for its agility to enhance your development speed. 
  • MEAN/MERN: This tech stage integrates MongoDB as the database management, Express.js as the back-end framework, Angular JS or React in the front end, and Node.js as a server is very good at scaling.
  • Node.js, GraphQL, and React: This technological stack is the fusion of graphQL as a database management system, Node.js  as the backend server, and React in the front end. It makes the interaction between the back end and the front end easier.
  • Django: This tech stack is a web integration of Python as a programming language for app development, ensuring a straightforward design. It is very fast, secure, and scalable. 

Case Studies and Examples 

A suitable technological stack is required for your app’s sustainable and visible progress; this depends on your app’s nature, workings, and requirements. Some apps have used it efficiently in past scenarios, so let’s explore some case studies of apps:

  • Uber: Uber uses a native technology stack for app development for its iOS and Android users, along with different codebases in a programming language, Objective C, Kotlin, java, and Swift, and UIKit as native development infrastructure, Android SDK (Android),  and third-party libraries and tools such as RxJava and Retrofit.
  • Netflix: Employs Java as its programming language, React as a user interface, and Redux for state operation. It also uses some small services to fragment the applications into smaller constituents. As per each service’s specific data storage needs, Netflix uses Cassandra, MySQL, and Elasticsearch as database management systems.
  • Airbnb: Airbnb uses Java, React, and Redux to ensure a flexible and responsive user interface. It uses Ruby on Rails for the main website. Machine learning uses Python and Node.js for small services, and MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Redshift are database management systems. 
  • Instagram: Instagram employs object-C, Swift, Java, and Kotlin as its programming language, UIKit (iOS) and Android SDK (Android) as its development framework, and third-party libraries and tools such as AFNetworking and Facebook SDK.

Choose the Right Platform Specific Method for App Development 

The most suitable technology stack for your web development would be compatible with the nature and objectives of your business. Let’s explore some platform specific methods for app development.

Native app development

Native mobile app development employ official software development kits (SDKs) and programming languages for the right platform(iOS or Android). ‍Swift, Xcode, iOS SDK, and UIKit are the most commonly used for iOS apps. Java, Android Studio, Android Framework, Android SDK, and Kotlin are used for Android apps. 

Hybrid app development

This mobile app development uses HTML, CSS, and Javascript to form a flexible mobile app. Cordova, PhoneGap, or Ionic are the frameworks that make your device accessible to native users. It is cheaper and faster but works slower than native app development. 

Cross-platform app development

It uses a single codebase for an app to run on various platforms. App-building software such as Flutter, React Native, or Xamarin are the frameworks included in the app stack. It is the fastest and most cost-effective platform, but it sometimes compromises user experience. 

Technology stack for app development means selecting the best programming language, database, and microservices along with good hosting partners to ensure that you get the best app for your business. There are many different combinations of these processes, such as LAMP, Django, Ruby on Rails, and MEAN/MERN‍ that you can use as your tech stacks. Deciding your tech stacks depends on your requirements and how you want your app to look. So, it is important to get a brief about these technological applications and then use them properly per your requirements. 

Fastcurve, one of the leading IT companies can provide you with the best IT solutions for your business, can design your app, and optimize it as per ongoing trends. Fastcurve has proudly announced AWS partner status too that can serve you the best host for your app development. 

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