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Agile Software Development: Principles and Techniques Explained

Agile software development is considered one of the best software development methodologies, which can refine software features multiple times and provide flexibility and collaboration; it is based on a set of principles that advocates the delivery of small and continuous changes in software in regular and quick iterations. This set of principles is called an agile manifesto. Agile software is developed to be versatile and adaptable, which allows teams to respond quickly to any new changes; agile development works on an agile framework. In this blog, you will learn the different processes of agile software development, the different challenges in implementing agile, and the different benefits of using agile software development.

Traditional software methodologies

The waterfall technique is another word for the traditional method used to create and build a simple software framework. It is divided into different phases, such as planning the software, crafting the software, developing the software, and testing the final product, which should be completed before moving on to the next step. This strategy is mainly built for people who are clear about their needs and demands.

What are Agile principles?

12 Agile principles from the Agile Software Development Manifesto are as follows:

  • The main aim of agile is to satisfy their consumer or clients; agile has a short-term development cycle, so the development team can deliver valuable software in less time than traditional software development.
  • The agile development team is ready to make any changes at any time according to the requirements of the client; the development team drafts and plans the software framework before the work begins, and they are ready to make changes according to the needs of market trends.
  • The agile development team used to deliver software work in regular stages instead of waiting for the whole lengthy development cycle. They divided the work so that they could deliver it within the time framework.
  • Regular communication between the client and the developer should be done as it will give an insight into both the software development companies and technical aspects, which will help create credibility and accountability throughout the custom software development process.
  • Always try to build the project with driven team members and support them throughout the entire process of building the agile development software. Creating an effective work team will accelerate the workflow and help individuals perform their best throughout the journey.
  • Direct and personnel communication is the most efficient way to convey information to one another; it helps team members be more engaged with the project they are working on.
  • You can see the development of your software by its functionality; the working of the software is considered the key metric. It is important to inspect whether the software is functioning or spending too much time in refining software features multiple times.
  • Agile software helps to promote and maintain a workplace where the team members can work with free minds. Setting realistic goals is necessary in the workplace so that it doesn’t put so much of a burden on the team members and can help create a smooth workflow. By doing this, one can increase work productivity.
  • It is important to maintain excellent coding and premium design standards because they will help increase the effectiveness of Agile software. The main aim of Agile is to focus on rapid updates and regular releases, as well as to maintain and manage the software code and high-quality design, which will decrease the chances of any issues in the future.
  • Team members should focus on what truly matters rather than paying attention to unnecessary. Focus on the tasks which have the biggest impact on your work goals. The main aim is to achieve the most meaningful results with the least amount of effort while remaining faithful to key objectives.
  • Agile helps the team to make their decision collectively and plan how they have to accomplish the task; when the team makes their own decision collectively to manage their task, they can have the best software architectures, requirements, and designs.
  • The agile team focuses on growth; regularly, they take some time to see how they are working and how they can be more efficient in their task; this adjustment helps the team to continuously improve their efficiency.

Benefits of agile software development

  • Excellent quality product: In agile management, testing the program remains the most important part of software execution as it tells about the overall quality of the final product that a client will receive. The client can still ask for changes in the development process based on current marketing trends. The development team needs to improve and learn more about agile as it is a cyclic process. Testing the program multiple times will help to enhance the overall user-friendly experience.
  • Customer satisfaction: As we know, the client can still ask for changes in the development process based on the current trends, which helps to enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction. Earlier, the client was only included in the planning phase and couldn’t make any changes in the development process, which limited the client’s versatility and adjustability. Client satisfaction is important, and you can provide value to the client when you keep them informed and make adjustments based on their requirements and demands. Then, the final software will meet according to their satisfaction.
  • Flexibility and adaptability: The benefits of custom software development using Agile is that Agile is very flexible, and the development team is very adaptable to quick changes or iterations, even if it is at the last minute, the development team can handle all the changes with minimal impact on the project the term flexible here means that the team can consistently delivery the product and also can make any changes according to the needs and requirement of the client.

Agile software development process

  • Gathering and collecting the task requirements is the top priority because we need to know the demands and needs of the consumers before developing the software.
  • The software development teams need to craft and plan the consumer’s needs and demands for delivering the software, which involves all the features that will be included in each iteration.
  • The development team then works to build the software with the help of quick iteration to refine the software feature multiple times.
  • The concerned group needs to test the software to make sure that they have generated a high-quality program that fulfills all the needs of the consumer.
  • After installing and configuring the program, the software is available to use.
  • Once the software is available to use, the program needs to be kept up to date, which makes sure that it fulfills all the user requirements and expectations.

What is Agile SDLC (Software development life-cycle)? 

The agile SDLC approach is built on collaborative decision-making between requirements and solution teams and a cyclical, iterative process for delivering working software when the work is done in regular iterative cycles called sprints, which typically span two to four weeks. In the software development lifecycle, the client can see the outcome and determine whether or not he or she is pleased. This is one of the benefits of the agile SDLC methodology. One of its shortcomings is the lack of clear requirements, which makes it impossible to predict resources and development costs.

Agile methodology


Scrum is used to help the team organize and oversee the work by using some set of goals to make the work more efficient. It is an agile project management framework. Scrum works with Sprint, which allows it to operate through a series of events that take over a fixed time; with the help of Sprint, the team converts ideas into working products.


Kanban was introduced by a Japanese engineer named Taiichi Ohno in the 1940s; kanban is another agile management which works on the continuous development and improvement of the software to maintain or create a consistent workflow in the work items are pulled from the pending tasks, works are represented on a kanban board, which helps the team member to monitor the status of each piece at all time.

Extreme programming (XP):

It is a framework that is used to enhance software quality and adaptability to meet customer needs; extreme programming is an agile management software development based on methods, guidelines, and a set of values. The main aim of extreme programming is to allow small to medium-sized teams to create high-quality software while adapting to evolving and changing requirements.

Disadvantages of using agile software development

  • The outcome of the project is difficult to evaluate accurately because agile project management frameworks work on step-by-step development, and it is a repetitive cycle.
  • Connecting with everyone frequently requires more time and energy although, communication and collaboration are excellent but it do extend work time.
  • Extending the team to larger and more difficult projects can create more problems, as agile works well for small and medium teams on small projects.

Agile software development focuses on adaptability, collaboration, and continuous improvement. The development teams are responsible for providing high-quality software products that fulfill the requirements and demands of clients with the help of Agile Manifesto’s twelve principles. The industry clearly needs Agile software development since it allows teams to respond swiftly to shifting market trends and client expectations, and with the growing demand for quick software development and deployment, Agile provides a framework for teams to collaborate and work efficiently, ensuring that software products are delivered on time and to customer expectations.

Fastcurve is a leading IT services and consultancy company. Fastcurve excels in web development, mobile app development and, offering tailored solutions to meet diverse needs. Their expertise extends to AWS cloud services, ensuring scalable and efficient solutions.

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